Freeze the Stubborn Fat with Cryolipolysis Treatment

Read here, Cryolipolysis result and know how to do cryolipolysis removes stubborn fat off your body.

Freeze the Stubborn Fat with Cryolipolysis Treatment

Read here, Cryolipolysis result and know how to do cryolipolysis removes stubborn fat off your body.

Freeze the Stubborn Fat with Cryolipolysis Treatment

Read here, Cryolipolysis result and know how to do cryolipolysis removes stubborn fat off your body.

Freeze the Stubborn Fat with Cryolipolysis Treatment

Read here, Cryolipolysis result and know how to do cryolipolysis removes stubborn fat off your body.

Freeze the Stubborn Fat with Cryolipolysis Treatment

Read here, Cryolipolysis result and know how to do cryolipolysis removes stubborn fat off your body.

Thursday 24 November 2016

11 Things to Know Before Availing Fat Freezing Treatment

fat freezing treatment

Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive treatment to destroy localized fat cells from your body. It is a non-surgical fat-freezing process which involves controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat. The treatment will provide you noticeable, proven and lasting results. This process is not a weight-loss solution for individuals who are obese. If you notice chunks of fat in certain areas of your body, this process will be suitable to get rid of them. People all over the world suffer from unwanted fat in their body thus, they want to avail an effective solution. Cryo Lipo process will be appropriate for them to reduce localized fat from their body.

Although fat freezing treatment relief from bulges of stubborn fats, yet some facts should be considered before the procedure. Let’s discuss about everything you should know before removing your fat:

  1. Possibility of uneven removal– A skin care expert removes stubborn fat cells with Cryo Lipo A vacuum-like head is used to suction your skin for freezing. It is a machine-driven process and won’t depend on the skill of your doctor thus there may be a risk of uneven removal.

  1. One treatment may not be enough – It may be expensive to obtain your desired result if more than one session is required. Ask your medical expert about the number of sessions you need to undergo before starting the treatment.

  1. Cost depends on location – The cost of cool sculpting treatment depends on which area you live and the area you want to avail the treatment. 

  1. May take long time – This process may take a long time to be finished since it depends on the areas you want to get treated.

  1. Bruising can occur – You may notice marks in the treated areas. Suction process involves pulling, tugging and pinching hence, treated areas can be sore for a couple of days.

  1. Diet and workout – You need to maintain a healthy diet and perform physical exercises for uniform results.

  1. Requires weeks or months to show up the result– This depends on how your body reacts on the process. It may take nearly 2 to 3 months to show the result.

  1. Discreet fat removal process– Fat freezing procedure cannot remove chunks of fat from all the areas of your physique

  1. Fat can grow again – This method freezes localized fat cells that die after some time. Dead fat cells are washed away from the body within a couple of weeks. Although most people want to avail the most effective way to get rid of unwanted fat with Cryolipolysis, yet the treatment cannot remove fat forever from your body.

  2. Temporarily no sensation– Fat freezing procedure affects superficial nerves of the treated area. You will not feel any sensation on the frozen skin around the area for hours.

  3. Skin needs enough cold – Cool Sculpting process suctions the affected area and then uses controlled cooling to reduce the temperature of the skin for killing fat cells.

Although cool sculpting procedure removes unwanted localized fats from your body, you should ask your skin therapist about everything before availing this treatment.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Cryolipolysis Treatment: Permanently Remove Stubborn Fat Cells

Cryolipolysis Treatment cost

Localised depositions of fat are really troublesome and you should know how to get rid of them. However hard you may try, through rigorous workouts, painstaking diet control and other measures, removing those local mounds of flab is next to impossible. Enthusiastic souls even do not stop short from using sauna suits, body wraps, diet pills and other measures for their desire to have the perfect physique. But nothing proves to be efficient enough to crease out those mounds with the rest of your structure.

An easy and effortless treatment solution

In this circumstance, an increasing number of people in London are availing unique skincare treatment and effortlessly leaving their problem behind. The treatment is more popularly known as Cryo Lipo Treatment and found at Cryo Lipo Clinic in London. The solution the therapy provides lasts almost for a lifelong.

About Cryolipolysis Procedure        

The therapy can be best described as walk-in-and-walk-out procedure, lasting in between 30 minutes to an hour at the max. It uses cooling technology, which freezes the targeted fat cells at a temperature of -5 degrees centigrade. As a result of this extreme low temperature, water present inside the fat cells crystallizes to ice. The overall process ensures natural death of the fat cells thus, enabling you to have the desired body shape. The dead fat cells are then flushed out of the body, following the normal metabolic procedure.

Now, as your fat cells are killed and eliminated from the body, Cryo Lipo ensures a permanent solution to your problem of localised fat. However, it is better if you stick to a healthy diet and lifestyle, including minimal workouts regularly to enjoy the best results of the treatment for an eternity.

Pain and side-effects of the treatment

At the most you will get some bruises and reddish patches on the affected areas of the skin. In fact, this revolutionary therapy is absolutely safe and painless. Most patients tune in music, watch movies or keep working on their laptops during the treatment sessions to feel relaxed and comfortable. If you want, you may also read your favourite author or keep surfing the Internet for a pleasant environment.

However, the results of this modern lipolysis procedure cannot be obtained instantly. It takes anywhere between 2 to 4 weeks for the results to show up. In most cases, optimum results are obtained after 8 to 10 weeks of the treatment.

Safety aspect

The nonsurgical clinical procedure is absolutely safe on the health aspect. A lot of people have undergone the treatment and clinical experts have conducted extensive research on it before reaching the factual conclusion. There is no downtime in this treatment. It means, you can easily get back into your normal lifestyle the moment your cryolipo session gets over.

Cryolipolysis cost in London or anywhere else is never uniform. However, the cost usually remains within modest ranges to facilitate greater number of patients so that they can avail the treatment without much trouble.